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For Everyone  In Search Of  The

Bengal Experience

We have been breeding Bengal cats for over 25 years and want to share some ideas for those of you wanting to have a Bengal companion in your life.   First and foremost, do your homework.  Before you buy call and talk to as many breeders as you want to and ask them about their prices, request a copy of their pet contracts and health guarantees.  Inquire about medical tests they perform on their breeding cats to insure their health.  Does the breeder require a lengthy application for you to complete?  Ask about deposits; are they refundable if you don't purchase their kitten(s).?  Do they offer varying prices for different kittens?  Ask about their breeding cat pedigrees.  Looking for healthy blood lines is paramount to a kitten's future.  Once you've done this ... contact us!

Pet prices have risen faster than gas, food, cars and real estate.  Here at Absolutely Bengals we understand the harsh economic times we are all experiencing but want to make owning a Bengal as affordable as possible.  Many breeders set their prices on the "show quality" of their kittens.  Many of them are not, but you end up paying the higher prices.  We know what show quality means from our years of experience and having our Absolutely Bengal bloodlines winning the world show multiple times.  But, we don't agree on making new owners pay exorbitant prices.

Our Bengal home companions are $1500 - $1850 with a 100% refundable deposit.  Your purchase from us includes Veterinary health check ups before a kitten goes home, never ending direct Bengal consultations with us for behavior or health questions, TICA registered bloodlines, health and temperament  guarantee, contract, first shots, health record and identification microchip at no additional charges.  Many breeders are doing early spay/neuter on kittens as if it  is a benefit for you, however studies show this can be a detriment to a kitten's present and future health.

At Absolutely Bengals we breed and produce Bengal kittens with three major priorities:  Health, temperament, and exotic image in that order.  We pride ourselves not only with our bloodlines and accomplishments, but our willingness to help others.  Whether you buy one of our Bengals or one from someone else, we will spend our time by phone or email answering all of your questions and concerns to help you make a better decision about your new Bengal best friend!


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